LAMP-coupled CRISPR-Cas12a module for rapid and sensitive detection of plant DNA viruses, Ahmed Mahas, Norhan Hassan, Rashid Aman, Tin Marsic, Qiaochu Wang, Zahir Ali, and Magdy M. Mahfouz, Viruses, 2021, Mar.
Efficient, Rapid, and Sensitive Detection of Plant RNA Viruses With One-Pot RT-RPA–CRISPR/Cas12a Assay, Aman, Rashid, Ahmed Mahas, Tin Marsic, Norhan Hassan, and Magdy M. Mahfouz, Frontiers in Microbiology, 2020, 11: 3277.
iSCAN: An RT-LAMP-coupled CRISPR-Cas12 module for rapid, sensitive detection of SARS-CoV-2, Ali, Zahir, Rashid Aman, Ahmed Mahas, Gundra Sivakrishna Rao, Muhammad Tehseen, Tin Marsic, Rahul Salunke et al., Virus Research, 2020, 198129. (*Equal contribution)
Engineering herbicide resistance via prime editing in rice, Butt, Haroon, Gundra Sivakrishna Rao, Khalid Sedeek, Rashid Aman, Radwa Kamel, and Magdy Mahfouz, Plant Biotechnology Journal, 2020.
CRISPR-Cas13d mediates robust RNA virus interference in plants, Mahas Ahmed*, Rashid Aman*, and Magdy Mahfouz, Genome Biology, 2019, 20.1: 1-16. (*Equal contribution)
A calcium/palmitoylation switch interfaces the signaling networks of stress response and transition to flowering, Hee Jin Park*, Rashid Aman*, Francisco Gamez-Arjona*, Irene Villalta, Raul Carranco, Marika Lindahl, Damaso Hornero-Mendez, Elena García, Ray A. Bressan, Sang Yeol Lee, Clara Sánchez-Rodriguez, Jose M Pardo, Woe-Yeon Kim, Francisco J. Quintero, and Dae-Jin Yun, 2021. (*Equal contribution- Under revision)
RNA virus interference via CRISPR/Cas13a system in plants,
Rashid Aman, Zahir Ali, Haroon Butt, Ahmed Mahas, Fatimah Aljedaani, Muhammad Zuhaib Khan, Shouwei Ding and Magdy Mahfouz, Genome Biology, 2018, Jan 4; 19(1):1. A keystone mutation in plant sodium transporter HKT1 enabling the evolution of salt tolerance, Akhtar Ali, Natalia Raddatz, Rashid Aman, Songmi Kim, Hyeong Cheol Park, Dongwon Baek, Masood Jan, Dong-Ha Oh, Irfan Ullah Khan, Sang Yeol Lee, Ray A.Bressan, Keun Woo Lee, Jose M. Pardo, Albino Maggio, Hans J. Bohnert, Dae-Jin Yun, Plant Physiology, 2016, Jul; 171(3):2112-26.