Transforming systems analysis and integrated bio-economy assessment.

The Systems Science Lab is led by Professor Yoshihide Wada. It will build on existing strengths in engineering, technological and computational innovations to develop new capabilities structured around three pillars of activity: 


  1. Systems Analysis Methods with three main priorities:
    • Food and Water
    • Energy and Climate Change
    • Economy and Human Capitals
  2. Scientific Foresight - Translating Research to Action
  3. Systems Capacity Building


Within a 3-5 year horizon, the Systems Science Lab is to be a leading institute in systems analysis and integrated bio-economy assessment. The integration of specific programs and activities will occur by emphasizing the importance of problem solving over disciplinary interests, the interlinkages among systems over studying subsystems, and comprehensive assessments over narrowly defined ones. In addition to the more traditional integrated and crosscutting research activities, the team will develop a capability to anticipate and cope with rapid changes and new crises and opportunities. Ideas and concepts for this type of research can be found in the studies of resilience, adaptive management, uncertainty and risk, and technological innovation. The team's emphasis will be on paradigm changing transformations, from the nation to the sector and place-specific, from medium term to very long term.