
One Planet One Health

Growing global populations, shifting dietary patterns towards greater meat consumption, and increased food waste, are major factors impacting global food systems. It is unclear how an increase of 70-100% in food production to meet global demands can be achieved in a sustainable manner. Given the widespread degradation of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, there is no major surplus of arable land or water to produce food. To increase food production using current practices will require more chemical input, with major negative environmental, climate and human health related impacts.

Given the complexity of the effects of climate change at all levels of planetary life, it is highly unlikely that exclusive disciplinary thinking will provide solutions that will hold up to their promises. Therefore, current thinking needs to be readjusted both at the institutional, funding, as well as subject levels to enable multidisciplinary scientific approaches. The conference aims to increase scientific exchange between fields needs and foster new forms of interdisciplinary communication. Overall, the conference will try to leave well-trodden disciplinary paths and search for novel interdisciplinary solutions and approaches.

Event Quick Information

06 - 07 Nov, 2023
09:00 AM - 05:45 PM
KAUST, Building 19